Error 404 Page?

  • Posted in : TheBlogger
  • nerwin

    I notice that there is a functional error 404 page but there is no actual file that contains the text.

    Where are you pulling the “You are lost!” from?

    I was going to make something silly on the 404 page but so far I can only edit the css using .html-alert and .error404 classes.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say you might be pulling it from some default 404 page in WordPress. But I don’t know.

    I don’t think it’s hard to make my own 404 page, I’ve done it before. But I was just curious how you did it.


    Hi nerwin,
    You can use a plugin for custom 404 page. You need to edit the theme file and I won’t recommend you do that.

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