
Animated vCard & Resume WordPress Theme

unRovr is the reformer way of representing your online identity. It’s unique layout and smooth animations will show what you have to curious eyes. It has plenty of customization options that you can tune it up to reflect your style in minutes with no hassle.


unrovr vcard wordpress theme by pixelwars

unrovr vcard wordpress theme by pixelwars

unrovr vcard wordpress theme by pixelwars

unrovr vcard wordpress theme by pixelwars

unrovr vcard wordpress theme by pixelwars

unrovr vcard wordpress theme by pixelwars

unRovr is the reformer way of representing your online identity. It’s unique layout and smooth animations will show what you have to curious eyes. It has plenty of customization options that you can tune it up to reflect your style in minutes with no hassle.


  • Drag and Drop Page Builder : No Coding Skills Required
  • HTML5, CSS3, jQuery powered
  • Responsive Design & Retina ready
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Optimized performance for mobile devices
  • Filtered portfolio with solid ajax portfolio details and custom styled-mobile optimized lightbox. Both support image, video and audio.
  • Flexible Images & Videos (supports responsive video embed in various aspect ratios)
  • Complete blog system (all post formats supported)
  • Easy to customize : Fonts – Colors etc…
  • SEO Optimized
  • 30+ popular social icons
  • Google Maps ready
  • One-Click Demo Import
  • Extensive Documentation & Support Forum
v1.2.2 - 11 May 2023
- improved: better support for PHP 8

v1.2.1 - 3 October 2021
- fixed: portfolio posts are not loading when Elementor is active issue

v1.2.0 - 20 July 2021
- improved: portfolio page lightbox functionality
(Update Pixelwars Core plugin.)

v1.1.9 - 11 July 2021
- improved: widget functionality

v1.1.8 - 24 May 2021
- improved: portfolio functionality

v1.1.7 - 3 May 2021
- improved: 1-Click demo import
- improved: built-in plugin installer

v1.1.6 - 26 March 2021
- improved: "Homepage Menu Item" widget
- improved: "Social Media Icon" widget
(Update Pixelwars Core plugin.)

v1.1.5 - 26 February 2021
- improved: "Timeline Event" widget
(Update Pixelwars Core plugin.)

v1.1.4 - 18 February 2021
- improved: contact form
(Update Pixelwars Core plugin.)

v1.1.3 - 16 February 2021
- improved: contact form
(Update Pixelwars Core plugin.)

v1.1.2 - 1 December 2020
- improved: contact form
(Update Pixelwars Core plugin.)

v1.1.1 - 8 November 2020
- fixed: custom widget image issue in Elementor

v1.1.0 - 14 September 2020
- improved: Google Maps API script is not included if map widget doesn't exist
- improved: contact form notification

v1.0.9 - 13 September 2020
- fixed: custom widget image issue in WordPress 5.5

v1.0.8 - 28 August 2020
- fixed: contact form notification issue

v1.0.7 - 1 June 2020
- improved: localization

v1.0.6 - 27 April 2020
- added: snapchat social icon
- added: imdb social icon
- added: email social icon

v1.0.5 - 12 April 2020
- fixed portfolio/blog masonry layout issue
- fixed: lightbox issue on IOS 12 devices
- fixed: map overflow issue on Safari

v1.0.4 - 10 May 2019
- improved: customizer

v1.0.3 - 13 February 2019
- fixed: PHP 7.2.x compatibility issue

v1.0.2 - 7 February 2019
- updated: sample data

v1.0.1 - 14 February 2018
- fixed: Elementor styles don't apply on homepage issue

v1.0.0 - 25 January 2018
- initial release

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