A couple of questions

  • Posted in : Impose
  • emalyk

    Hello again!

    I am almost done with setting up my website, I have just a few questions for the finishing touches, so here they are together:

    1) I love how the first letter of a blog post is bigger! How can I make it like that on a paragraph in the middle of the text, is it possible?
    2) Under the posts in the blog section in the “Share this post” square is a g+ icon. Can I remove it? It makes it seem like the website is not updated, since g+ is long gone.
    3) Is there a way to link to a certain part of the page? My idea is to write blog posts that inside have both the text in English and then in my native language. Is it possible somehow to have at the start of the post a button or a link that would redirect just to a place futhrer down in the same blog post page, where the text in my native language would start?
    4) Regarding the contact form – it works and sends me the mails, but doesn’t show when sending one that it was successful. Can I make a “thank you for the email” page, that would appear after a person has clicked on the submit button? And how can I add a subject field in the contact form?

    Thank you in advance!


    1) It is possible to do this with a css in a different way. The first letter of the first paragraph is capitalized with css code. As an example I have added css code below. This css code which I added will make all the first letters in the third paragraph capital and bold. It applies to all posts instead of specific post. I want to make this reminder.

    .drop-cap:nth-child(3):first-letter, .single-post .entry-content>p:nth-child(3):first-letter { font-size: 42px; line-height: 1.1; font-weight: 700; float: left; padding: 0 6px 0 0; margin-bottom: -6px; }

    2) You can use this custom css code;

    .pw-icon-google-plus (display: none; )

    3) From the WordPress post or page editor, select the text that you want be hyperlinked.
    Once you have that text selected, click the hyperlink button in the toolbar. …
    This will bring up a box where you can enter the URL of your hyperlink and a title to be displayed on hover. There are also special plugins for two different languages. You can try these plugins. Example; https://wpml.org/
    4) You can use ninjaform contact plugin and customize it easily. https://wordpress.org/plugins/ninja-forms/

    Please next time, don’t ask bundle questions. Create a new topic for your every question if you don’t find the answer in the forum. It can be useful for other people to find their answers.


    Oh sorry! Will post seperately next time.
    Thank you for the fast response!

    The only thing I still can’t figure out is the g+ icon, I put the code in the additional CCS section in the appearance panel, but nothing happened. I guess I didn’t put it at the right place?


    Could you provide me your related URL for your post then I will double-check the CSS code for you?
    Btw, you can use our private content box below.


    Hello again!

    I am very late witht he reply but I am sending a link to a blog post on my website. The box with the “Share this post” and icons is at the bottom. It appears in all the posts and I like it there, but just the Facebook, Titter and mail options – without the g+.

    Thank you so much!


    Could you use this custom css code;

    i.pw-icon-gplus { display: none; }


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