Adjust blog width without breaking responsiveness

  • Posted in : Read WP
  • daanvandenbergh


    I have cleaned up my blog and am using just the widgetized footer. I have adjusted the .wrapper > row-class to 41%, because I want to make my content area thinner and my blog focussed only on content. You can view it here:

    But now, when I view it on a phone it also uses only 41% of the screen, which makes it practically unreadable.

    Is there any way that on a landscape configuration (such as laptop or tablet) it will use 41% width and on a portrait configuration it will use 100% (or 95% or something) so it stays readable on a phone?


    Hi, you can try this custom css code instead;

    .wrapper > .row { max-width: 610px; }

    That worked! So simple! Can’t believe I didn’t think of that.

    Thanks a lot!

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