Blog: Long "Entry Title" on mobile breaks up words

  • Posted in : Efor
  • Chris ATX

    Hi team,

    I have a long entry title for blog posts. On desktop and tablet it looks great, but on mobile it breaks up letters of words while there is ample space. I don’t want to make the font size smaller but want to use the extra space that it has around it.

    It seems to be the result of pixels being added due to margin-left: auto, margin-right:auto

    The auto doesn’t seem to be performing well. How to adapt the code so this doesn’t happen?
    post is at


    Hi, you can try this custom css code;

    .top-content-single .post-thumbnail .entry-header {
        width: 90%;


    Chris ATX

    Thanks so much. I’ve added that to the mobile viewport code and that fixed it!


    You are welcome :) We’d be very happy if you can spare a minute to rate the theme on ThemeForest. Your feedback will boost our motivation and help us to work harder on future updates.

    Thank you for your support.

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