Contact Form does not respond

  • Posted in : ikonik
  • pythak

    Hello again team!

    I am really displeased to say that my contact form does not work. More specifically, it does not send any messages.

    Of course, I have already read ALL related posts and I have tried everything that you usually suggest like deactivate all plugins and contact the host provider (they said that mail() php is enabled by default) but nothing happened.

    I have also tried to create my own Contact form with WPForms Lite, Ninja Forms and even Contact Form 7 but I was not able to create a form which looks exactly similar to yours! For example, I cannot place “Name” and “Email” fields in the same row.

    As you can understand this is an acute problem. I bought this expensive template just for some serious personal branding. For this reason, not being able to be reached by potential customers is just unacceptable! The template is practically worthless if clients can’t contact me easily.

    As I said, this problem cannot be justified despite the great work that you have done in general. Therefore, I would like to ask you to provide me with a professional solution not just suggestions like “Do this” or “Do that”. If you claim that with Ninja Contact form plugin, for example, we can create a contact form identical to yours then please try to do this for me because I have tried and it was not possible.

    Thank you in advance.


    I will forward this topic to our developer and I will keep you updated.


    Any news please? As I have mentioned this is a very serious problem. If it cannot be resolved, I would not really like to use your product. Not having a proper contact form is just unjustifiable.


    You can use this custom css code for the contact form plugin. I just added for you.

    .wpcf7-form p:nth-child(2), 
    .wpcf7-form p:nth-child(3) { display: inline-block; max-width: 40%; }
    .wpcf7-form p:nth-child(3) { margin-left: 80px }
    .wpcf7-form { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 62%; }



    Hello again. Thanks, that seems to work. The emails are now delivered.

    The new problem which arose, however, is that each time the user submits the form with their message, instead of getting the response that everything went right or not at the bottom, they are being redirected to the Contact page with Ajax off.

    Could you please have a look at this as well?


    Did you have done the success steps
    On the contact page, sub page’s content is fetched via Ajax, so any element which requires extra JavaScript to work won’t work on your page, sorry but there is nothing we can do about it because of the limitation of the Ajax fetched page nature.

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