"Dashboard>Settings>Sharing" Still Links to Old URL

  • Posted in : Responsy WP
  • sabbyno6

    My website has a sharing link with Twitter, where it automatically sends out a tweet for each new blog post I publish, along with a URL to follow, in order to read the blog post on my website. [angstromdesign,org]

    However, after talking to Bluehost twice, we figured out that the URL is linking to my old wordpress.COM website, and it goes to an error screen with my Parent Directory as the URL. The man helping me said it does not look like there is any way to redirect it. I went through SEO Booster and Velvet Blues to update all old URL’s I could think of (“” & “http://angstromdesign.wordpress.com”) to my new one (“angstromdesign.org”), but the links still are not working. Click this one to see what I mean –> wp.me/p3Cifk-jx

    Please let me know if anyone has ideas or similar problems. Humble thanks!


    Mehmet S.

    Firstly try to update the theme to the latest version.


    How do I update the theme? Download it again and re-install?



    Never mind, I figured out the update :P It is still misdirecting, however. Here is the new link… wp.me/p3Cifk-jx

    Any ideas?


    Mehmet S.

    The Sharing menu under the settings is not a theme related page.

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