Google Search Console: "security issue with my website"

  • Posted in : Efor
  • KiezCoaching

    My Google Search Console shows that there is a security issue with my website:

    1 issue detected:
    Google has detected harmful content on some of your site’s pages. We recommend that you remove it as soon as possible. Until then, browsers such as Google Chrome will display a warning when users visit or download certain files from your site.

    I had already found a post about this here in the forum (, but unfortunately no solution was published.

    Many thanks for your help.


    Hi, do you have a detailed report about this security issue, on which page/section has this issue?



    Hello, after I updated the theme and submitted this change in the Search Console as a solution to the problem, the error no longer occurs. I have also received confirmation from Google. :)

    My enquiry has therefore been resolved. :) Thanks anyway!


    Hi, I am happy to hear that it is resolved.


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