Header layout (missing title)

  • Posted in : Foodsy
  • A J

    Greetings! By default I was using ‘Header Small’ layout, but when I upload the logo site title disappears:

    1. Could you please confirm that mentioned layout only displays either Title or Logo? (or maybe I’m missing something?)

    When I change the layout to ‘Header One Row’ I get the desired result, but ironically it gets displayed in two rows: https://prnt.sc/JUxyqbRm2zrc. The logo height is default.

    2. Am I missing something here? On mobile it also is being displayed above the menu burger icon, so it feels buggy, or having the wrong layout title :/ https://prnt.sc/kb0xgi1yK3B4

    3. Would you recommend using Header Small or Header One Row and adjust CSS if my desired result should look like this?

    Desktop: https://prnt.sc/0Hq1LdtV8_x7
    Mobile: https://prnt.sc/Kges561eT3cl

    I guess it can be achieved with CSS, but mobile menu on this case looks broken:
    https://prnt.sc/1WCh7U_-I3BR, of course I can add more CSS if mobile menu is opened just feels a bit unfair as having logo and title in the header and switching them is pretty common for WP themes

    Thanks in advance!


    1) In general, site logo and site title are not used at the same time in wordpress themes. It is stated that this can have many disadvantages. But if you want to use it, you can reach the result you want without disturbing the source codes by adding the site title next to your logo in an application such as Photoshop and uploading the logo with this new site title.
    2) If you solve it this way, the problem on mobile will be fixed.
    3) If you share your url, we can take the issue of the logo appearing on the right side (for mobile display) to the left side with custom css.

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