How can I make a sticky menu ? Posted in : Read WP ClemParticipant 9 March 2022 at 02:45 #74905 Hello, I would like menu to stay on top while scrolling. How is it possible ? Thanks Clémence serkanModerator 11 March 2022 at 15:57 #74932 Hi @ Clémence It is not possible by default. Thanks ClemParticipant 12 March 2022 at 00:31 #74952 Hello Thanks for your answer. Would it be possible to add this feature on a next release ? serkanModerator 12 March 2022 at 13:59 #74965 Hi, I will forward your request to our developer for the future updates. Thanks Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total) You must be logged in and have valid license to reply to this topic. License required for the following item Read WP - Minimalist WordPress Blog Themeby pixelwars Login and Registration Log in · Register