How to make the logo image larger?

  • Posted in : Episody
  • copipergal

    Hi! Just purchased and installed Episody, and I’m loving it so far! However, I would like my logo image to be the full width of the boxed page content when viewed on a desktop. It looks fine on a smaller mobile device, but on a full screen it is too small and doesn’t look smooth. I’ve set the Customize / Site Identity / Image Logo Height (PX) as high as it will go, but I need it still higher/wider, and I am unable to select this area of the page for editing in Elementor. Therefore, I presume this change requires a bit of coding. Can you tell me where I can make that change in which .css file? Thx!


    There is a limit for the logo. You can remove it with this css code;

    @media screen and (min-width: 992px) { .site-title img { max-height: none; } }


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