How To Update Your Theme

  • Posted in : Getting Started
  • ahmetsali

    Hi all, basically there are two ways to update your theme.

    METHOD 1: Update Your Theme with “Envato Market” Plugin

    – Download plugin:

    – Once you install the plugin, WordPress will periodically check for updates, so keeping your theme up to date is as simple as a few clicks. That’s the way we recommend.

    – Clear your cache.

    METHOD 2: Update Your Theme by Uploading Theme ZIP File

    – Download theme from:

    Download theme from ThemeForest

    – Simply upload the new theme zip file in the “Appearance > Themes > Add New Theme” section. Once it uploads, it will prompt you to replace existing theme with the new version, just approve it and that’s it. (NOTE: The translation files are located under languages folder in the theme folder, make sure to backup this folder if you have translated your theme).

    – You can also update built-in theme plugins from “Appearance > Install Theme Plugins” page if any update is available for the plugins.

    – Clear your cache.


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