I cannot customise my 'Home' page on demo 09

  • Posted in : Efor
  • Nyasha C

    I installed Efor on Sunday alongside all recommended plugins as per the instructions. However, the Home page you can see when you view my website cannot be edited by me in Elementor. It has a really cool carousel that I want to be the main page butwhen I attempt to go to my Home page to edit, it shows me the template Home page of Demo 09 which is completely static. I don’t understand why. I would really like to adjust the page you see on my website to incorporate the features of the demo (testimonials, services offered etc).

    Could you advise, I’m finding this error quite frustrating and not being able to make changes means the theme product won’t work for me- which would be a shame because I do quite like it and would like to use it as a best possible case.


    First of all, I will send you a link. I ask you to check your system settings by looking at this link. Afterwards, if you want, I can delete your website completely and set up a demo site for you.

    Nyasha C

    Thank you for the prompt reply – my systems are as follows:

    PHP time limit 1200
    PHP memory limit 512M
    Max input time 1200
    Upload max filesize 2047M
    PHP post max size 2047M

    Is the php memory limit going to be an issue?

    Also on the offer to make a demo site – could you expand on what you will do? What will happen to my site/data I have from it?


    Everything will be deleted on the website to be established. So you need to take a backup. By the way, if you have 3rd party software, please deactivate them. If you want, let’s test your relevant page without installing new demo content. But I need your wp admin information for this. You can share it with us in the private content box below.

    Nyasha C

    Hi, I just made two backups – my website before the changes and the current version. I’ll provide the details of my admin below:


    Hi, I tried to log in to your site but there is also SMS verification, can you deactivate it please?


    Nyasha C

    Apologies, I’ll look to do that soon. Meanwhile, I put the code below:

    Nyasha C

    Hi, I disabled two factor authentication – can you try now?

    Nyasha C

    Hi Serkan I hope you’re well

    I just wanted to check if you were able to have another look?

    Also, after the demo is installed am I able to merge back data from my woocommerce store like sales/products?


    I added your homepage without deleting anything, you can modify it with elementer.

    Nyasha C

    Thank you very much for this!


    You are welcome :) We’d be very happy if you can spare a minute to rate the theme on ThemeForest. Your feedback will boost our motivation and help us to work harder on future updates.


    Thank you for your support.

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