Logo and General Settings Not Saving and Showing Values

  • Posted in : Impose
  • francsi08


    I just installed the theme and for some reason I am unable to save the logo image and other general settings. I even tried using the theme on a fresh install to no avail. Details below of the installation:

    WP Version: 5.8.2
    Active Theme: Impose Child (impose-child)
    Version: 1.1.8
    Server architecture Linux 3.12.18-clouder0 x86_64
    Web server Apache
    PHP version 7.4.26 (Supports 64bit values)
    PHP SAPI cgi-fcgi
    PHP max input variables 3000
    PHP time limit 120
    PHP memory limit 768M
    Max input time 120
    Upload max filesize 256M
    PHP post max size 256M

    Please let me know if you require access to the backend so I can supply the necessary information.


    Hi, When uploading your image logo, you need to set Link Url = File Url Size : Full Size and then click on “Insert Into Post” button.

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