Posted in : Efor
Hi, I would like to add a phone number on the right side of the menu instead of the search button but the whole section on top is locked for editing. How to unlock it? Also, when I installed and activated the child theme main fonts changed and Home page title moved to the center of the page on top for some reason. Please help to resolve those issues.
If you wanna disable the search icon, you can go to
Appearance > Customize > Header > General > Header Search > Choose no and save it.
After that, you can go to appearance > widgets > top bar right > add text widget > you can add your number here. I just added an example for you. You can not add instead of search icon but you can use top bar area.
Have you made a change in the child theme before? Maybe there may have been an accidental change in the code. If you are not sure, you can download a new child theme and test it.
ThanksI need to add a small phone icon before the phone number so I don’t see how to do it with text box. I thought about using icon list option where I can select phone icon and phone number after it but unable it integrate it in this widget.
Also, I want the phone number to be on the right of contact button on the menu not above it that your widget area allows…
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Now website is back online. I want a phone number icon and phone number after the search button on the right on the same line as menu.
Hi, this is not available by default, needs more further customizations, if you are not familiar to coding you may consider hiring an expert at wpkraken.io to do the job for you.
We can use top bar for now.
ThanksI just need to unlock that area to the right of menu after the search symbol. Can you help with that?
This is not a very easy situation, but I will ask the developer about it again for you and i will keep you updated.
ThanksHi, please update me how can I unlock the area to the right of the menu so that I can add icon and phone number.
You can add a button to the header by using the widget areas. To do this, follow these steps:
Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Widgets.
In the Widgets page, locate the widget area for the header.
Once you’ve found the correct widget area, click on it to open the list of available widgets.
From the list, drag and drop the Button widget into the header widget area.
After adding the button widget, configure the settings (such as the button text (telephone number), link, and style) according to your preference.
Finally, save your changes, and the button should now appear in the header of your site.
Lastly, Please go to appearance > customize > header > menu > menu align : left and save it.
The button you put in the header social will thus come to the right corner.
I added the button per your direction, but it does not appear on the right side corner, and the button border and text look black and I want it to be white so it looks good on the current background. Also, the the link does not work (I put tel:4254172066 for calling feature). Please check.. Thank you.
Hi, First of all, I cannot view your widget area because the username you have defined to me has an authorisation restriction.
In your first message, you stated that you wanted to replace the telephone icon instead of search field. Here you need to turn off the search feature as I mentioned above. If you are going to use both together on the same line, you cannot do this by default. Otherwise, you need to create your own custom header with the custom elementor header feature. You can find various articles on how to do this.
If you deactivate the search icon in the settings by default without customisation, your button will be on the far right side.
I would also like you to take a look at the article I have shared below.
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