Could you please provide me your related url? If you have coming soon page, you can provide me your wp admin details via our private content box below.
We can solve this with custom css code, but I need to be able to see your website for this. I can’t see the website interface because you activated the coming soon page.
Please keep me updated.
When I checked your menus, I didn’t see a submenu that goes to the second line. I think you added it and then removed it. You can increase submenu widths using the following css code.
Hi Serkan the code did not seem to work. The menu drop-down is still showing the wrap of the title going to the second line. If you see the menu you will see the issue.
I checked your website on both macbook pro and windows laptops, but I didn’t see the submenus going to the second line in any of them. What is the resolution you checked and can you share a screenshot about it?
Did you check on different devices?
Thank you
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