Plugin Necessary

  • Posted in : Read WP
  • ernestjw

    Hi I have a bunch of Plugins which I suspected coming from the previous Theme. There are:
    – Absolute Reviews
    – Advanced Popups
    – All in One SEO
    – Canvas
    – CoBlocks
    – Contact Form 7
    – Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
    – Kirki Customizer Framework
    – One Click Demo Import
    – Powerkit
    – Regenerate Thumbnails
    – SearchWP Live Ajax Search
    – Sight – Professional Image Gallery and Portfolio
    – Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening
    – WordPress Importer

    Which ones are the essential for this theme? I’d like to delete the rest. Thank you -E


    None of the plugins you mentioned are used in our theme.

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