Portfolio Gallery Option not clickable on thumbnail Posted in : ikonik definesurbhiParticipant 11 December 2021 at 23:34 #74226 Hi, 1. I want to make it clickable on my portfolio page, when people click thumbnail of any gallery. 2. When the gallery type portfolio item opens, i don’t want that icon in grey 3. In gallery i ant to change arrow colors serkanModerator 12 December 2021 at 12:21 #74237 Hi, The “Gallery” block is not working correctly since WordPress 5.9. So ikonik theme is not fully compatible with WordPress 5.9 and newer versions. We will try to fix it with a theme update in the future. You can downgrade your WordPress version to 5.8 with a plugin to use lightbox functionality of Gallery block. Plugin: WP Downgrade https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-downgrade/ Thanks Mehmet S.Keymaster 6 December 2022 at 01:52 #79911 Hi, there is way to use lightbox feature in the latest WordPress version. – Add “Classic” block to your content: https://ibb.co/5Ywwg9j – Use “Add Media” button of the Classic block to create a gallery: https://ibb.co/3YmHTVf https://ibb.co/SN9pgsK https://ibb.co/mvtsYnm – In gallery settings; select “Media File” and “Large” size: https://ibb.co/vh3BbL9 – Insert your gallery to content: https://ibb.co/MGXcyf7 Thanks Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) You must be logged in and have valid license to reply to this topic. License required for the following item Ikonik - Resume vCard WordPress Themeby pixelwars Login and Registration Log in · Register