Portfolio Help

  • Posted in : Read WP
  • tmbandefe

    Hi Im actually trying to create a gallery, but that is not filterable I see, so I am trying to use the portfolio as my gallery so I can seperate the images. However, I already have the permalinks set correstly, and when I go to choose lightbox, it doesnt work? Im not sure what Im doing wrong. I would like the portfolio images to only open in a lightbox, not another page.

    Is this possible?

    Mehmet S.

    Use the [lightbox_image] shortcode for lightbox image type portfolio item to open in a lightbox, like this:

    [lightbox_image first_image="yes" title="Animal with love" url="http://themes.pixelwars.org/read-wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/lightbox-01.jpg"]

    Hi, so then the portfolio doesn’t work just as a lightbox without pasting each one? Does the gallery?

    Mehmet S.

    The shortcode is necessary. You can learn your featured image url easily from Media > Library > Edit > File URL for url parameter of the shortcode.

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