Problems with embedding WebM

  • Posted in : Readme
  • Chris Offner

    When embedding WebM videos as autoplay loops, I get this red icon flashing up at the end/start of every loop. How can I keep WordPress from doing that?

    Now when I asked around, someone told me:

    WordPress is not doing it, your theme is. Your theme seems to include the “mediaelement” code, which is actually already included in WordPress, so no idea why the theme has a copy of its own.
    Anyway, the theme includes a “loading.gif” file, which is what that big red dot is.
    If you used the normal WordPress code and not that particular theme’s code, then the dot would not be there.

    How I can make it use the normal WordPress code and circumvent Readme’s handling of this, or how can I get rid of the red dot?

    Also, is that why width=”1280″ height=”720″ in my video shortcode doesn’t work and the video still shows up smaller than that? If I post it as a 720p GIF the size is correct, but then of course the file is massive. It seems like something is overriding the width and height settings in my video shortcode.


    Hi Chris Offner,
    You can use this custom css code;

    .mejs-overlay-loading span { background: none; }

    I just checked your original video size and it is also smaller than 1280-720px
    There is something wrong with the embed code.
    I will check it again and if i came up with a solution i will let you know.

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