Really bad embed Vimeo Bug

  • Posted in : Empathy
  • Miz


    I am having trouble adding two Vimeo links to my post. For some strange reason they don’t line up. One appears atop of the page and another on bottom. Code is clean but I can’t figure this out.

    Here’s the post:

    Can you please offer some help? This happens on both Firefox & Chrome and I’ve also tried doing the regular media add via WP and also using the short code method.

    [su_vimeo url=”″]

    [su_vimeo url= “”]

    Appreciate your guidance!


    Hi Miz,
    You are using a plugin for video but you don’t need to use any video plugin because wordpress is converting the vimeo url automatically. You should just copy and paste the video url in the content area.
    Thank you


    Hi Serkan,

    I’ve also done that without the plugin + shortcode. Same issue happens.

    I just updated the page using the regular WP embed. Issue still persists.

    Code used: [embed] vimeo url [/embed]


    Hi Miz,
    Please don’t use the embed short code. Just add the url without [embed]

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