Posted in : Impose
For Impose theme:
1) Is it possible to remove the rounded border on the home page’s Featured Image? I want to add a rectangular image without the circular crop frame.
2) Can I adjust the size of this home page featured image?Thanks!
-Sadie GlissonIgnore #1. I found the answer to this.
You can use this custom css code to adjust the featured image in the homepage;.intro .profile-image img { max-width: 35%; }
Thank you! That did work. Now, it is 100% of the allotted width of the home page but the width is a tad narrow for the pic. Is there any way to increase the home page width? I went to Customize and changed Content Width but this didn’t change it, so I’m assuming that’s not what I’m supposed to do.
Thanks again!
Content width should solve your issue. If you have any cache plugin, you can clear caches and try it again.
ThanksThanks- changing the content width didn’t make any difference to my featured image size on the home page.
I verified that my featured image is large enough 2553 by 1171 pixels but for whatever reason it is only expanding to a certain margin allowed for the featured image and I can’t figure out how to enlarge this.My second issue now is that I am having problems with creating my custom linked images with captions. I want the 4 image grid just like the demo. I tried with the WordPress editor and with Elementor editor. On the Elementor editor, it looks fine on the editor itself but on the live site, the pictures are tiny, duplicating, and way off to the left. I can’t really find instructions how to do this in the theme documentation.
Can you help?
I could not see the featured image in your url. Could you please kindly describe me where it is.
You should click to create a gallery button then choose your images, then fill the captions and add t he custom url and save it.
ThanksThe featured image is the first image on http://www.theremotenurse.com (with “The Remote Nurse,” computers, stethoscope, etc.)
For the gallery, I have added a gallery with 4 pictures, and when I initially load the page, I see the full images but it immediately resizes to tiny images that show a duplicate image and they are skewed all the way to the left of the page. Here is a screenshot: https://imgur.com/Pvr8bPg
Please go to appearance > customize > layout > increase the layout
Then use this custom css code as well;.home .layout-medium { width: 100%; }
If you have any cache plugin or third party plugins, please deactivate your third party plugins and try it again.
ThanksOkay, after some playing with the gallery I was able to get the photos to scale but I have this 1 black box ahead of the first image and it only shows up on the live site, not the preview when I’m making the edits. I have cleared cache and I am not using any plugin for the page itself, just wordpress editor. See screenshot: https://imgur.com/J7rHb97
When I go to customize -> layout -> content width, nothing changes no matter what size I make it. I tried 500, 2000, 1500, and no pages change in width, so the custom css for .home .layout-medium doesn’t change either. And no matter what I do, the featured image on the homepage will not expand any more. I’m not sure if widening the content width was supposed to widen the image after doing the 100% width css code, but like I said the content width editing seems to have no affect on my site.
I am using the child theme. I’m not sure if that could have anything to do with it?
Sorry for this craziness! Any other ideas?
Could you provide me your wp admin details via our private content box below?
ThanksHello, please see requested info in private content box. Thanks!
Please check out your homepage. I just added demo boxes for you. You can edit it.
ThanksThank you soooo much! Exactly what I needed.
You’re welcome, please don’t forget to rate the theme on themeforest if you liked it, thanks.
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