Speed Optimization Stack / Plugin for A2 Max

  • Posted in : Efor
  • Chris ATX

    Hi Team,

    I’m on a souped up A2 hosting Max server already.
    I already have Litespeed Cache installed as well and am using Cloudflare.
    Desktop performance is currently 84-93.
    Mobile is MUCH lower though: 41-51.

    In my current stack, what is recommended in terms of plugins?
    Should I still keep Litespeed Cache as it is supposed to work best on these Max servers,
    or should I replace it?

    I’ve read before that Optimole and W3-Total-Cache is recommended but that was a few years ago.

    What are you using to push Performance in the 95% region on Desktop and Mobile on A2 Hosting Max servers?


    Hi, we still recommend Optimole and W3-Total-Cache based on our experiences, you can test multiple plugins and keep what fits best for your site.


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