Suffering Newbie – Tagline Issue

  • Posted in : Read WP
  • sewerplantshaman

    I recently purchased Read WP and was hoping to simply focus on putting up interesting blog content. But early in the game I am confronting an issue. On iPhones my tagline wraps on the last word, leaving that last word stranded alone on a single line. Though I am a complete newbie, I did some research and found a possible fix involving a code snippet that would allow me to put html (specifically a <wbr> tag) into my site description field and thereby determine where iPhones (and actually other Apple devices) would be able to wrap my tagline. But Read WP is not having it, so I am desperate for suggestions as to how I can address this shitty wrapping of my tagline on iPhones and other Apple devices.

    Please help a Sewer Plant Shaman.

    Thank you in advance.



    I just checked your website with apple devices (safari and chrome) and i didn’t see the issue with the tagline.
    Could you please take a screenshot and share the url with me?

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