Tagline Color too light/ Category Names won't show on page

  • Posted in : Impose
  • qianarae

    Hi. I keep trying to edit the color of my tagline and there is no option. It’s a very light grayish color… Can barely see it. Is there a way to change that?

    Also, I have set categories under a page, but when I click on that category, the name doesn’t show on the page.

    Thirdly, when I go to my site, it’s doesn’t go to the homepage that I have set. Is there a fix for this?
    Sorry… I’m new at this, and been trying to figure it all out for almost a week.


    Hi @qianarae
    You can use this custom css code for change the color of site description;

    .site-description { color: #766969; }

    Please go to dashboard > settings > permalinks > choose post name and save it. Categories under blog should be fixed in this way.
    And you can go to dashboard > settings > reading > choose your homepage and blog page then save it.


    Thanks for your help. I was able to get the tagline fixed, but I did what you said regarding the categories and the category names still aren’t showing, and my post won’t show in the category that I assigned it to. Comments are also enabled on my pages, but there are no comment boxes.

    I was also wondering if I can change the site’s background color. I’m unable to do so in the theme customize colors screen.


    If you have third oarty plugins, please deactivate them, clear your cache and try it again. Third party plugins may conflict with the theme. If you can not make it, provide me your wp admin details via our private content box below.
    This custom css code will change the site’s background color.

    .site { background: #dfcbcb; }



    Hi! Still no luck with the categories, and also no comment boxes. I deactivated the 3rd party plug-ins. My admin details are below. Thanks!


    Hi @qianarae
    You sent me website url and password but you forgot to add username. Could you please also add the username as well?

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