Unknown video on homepage background

  • Posted in : Empathy
  • ChrisThemesUK

    Good evening,

    I appear to have an unknown video playing on the background of my homepage, I have just purchased the theme and have no idea how or where to get rid of this video. I am simply expecting the standard image as the background, please could someone assist with this please?

    Kind regards,


    Good afternoon,

    Can anyone assist please? The website is http://www.cjalderton.com/
    The video playing is unwanted and I can’t seem to identify where it is, it is no where on my media section. Would appreciate the help.

    Kind regards,


    Hi, just navigate to Appearance > Widgets > Empathy Template Pages widget area and click on “(Empathy) [PAGE] Home” and clear “Background Video” input and hit save.


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