WebM video embed worked fine in TwentyFifteen, doesn't work in ReadMe

  • Posted in : Readme
  • Chris Offner

    Hey there,

    I just started switching my new website to ReadMe but encountered some trouble with my WebM animations. On http://chrisoffner.eu/four-bouncy-balls/ I embedded a WebM file using:
    [video width="1920" height="1080" webm="http://chrisoffner.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/bouncingballs_01.webm"][/video]

    It played back perfectly fine using TwentyFifteen but now in ReadMe I only get a dark gray rectangle and a “Download File” link. How can I enable WebM videos on my site?

    On Firefox it loads the video but on Chrome it doesn’t.



    Hi, i see the issue, i will investigate it and release an update when i found the solution. Thanks for the feedback.

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