Wrong demo theme installed

  • Posted in : Efor
  • asabritok

    I purchased “Efor – Coaching & Online Courses WordPress Theme” from pixelwars. There were 8 different demos. I was hoping to get demo 7 but only demo 1 provided. There was no selection option
    or any kind of download option and I didn’t know which demo would be downloaded. I don’t need demo 1 but I need demo 7 files.
    How do I get it?


    Hi @asabritok

    Before proceding, navigate to Appearance > Install Plugins and Install and Activate all recomended plugins.
    Install and activate One Click Demo Import plugin from Appearance > Install Plugins. Then, go to Appearance > Import Demo Data and click on the import button of the demo 7.
    If you have images in your media library you need to Install and activate “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin from Appearance > Install Plugins Then, go to Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails and run the plugin once. Because Efor theme requires different thumbnail sizes.


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